Strategic plan for print gets underway

The printing industrys four major trade bodies have launched the first-ever industry-wide consultation on the sectors future direction.

The draft strategic plan for the industry, entitled A World Class Printing Industry Building Competitiveness and Profitability has been published jointly by the BPIF, Vision in Print, the Print Education Forum and the GPMU.


The draft sets out the organisations' view of the six key issues facing the industry, and a three-year plan for how they believe the industry should respond to those issues. All professionals in the printing industry are invited to comment.


The strategy is based on three "pillars" of action, each formulated by the relevant industry body: productivity and competitiveness, produced by Vision in Print; skills, by the PEF; and representation, by the BPIF.


BPIF chief executive Michael Johnson said that the "radical" 25-page document set out how the British printing industry could create "world-class companies" and "raise the standard of performance".


"The only companies that will survive will be those who take a look at themselves and ask how they can improve," he said.


He added that the consultation gave the industry a chance to "have a voice and have a say" on its own future.


Andrew Brown, strategic partnerships director at the BPIF, added: "This is the first time that anything like this has ever been done. We've got something that all the trade bodies in the industry are comfortable with and can support, which has been no mean feat."


The draft will be available to download from tomorrow (28 April) at:, and

Responses must be returned to Andrew Brown by 12 May. Email



The six areas covered by the draft:

  • Improving productivity
  • Increasing profitability
  • Increasing the availability of skilled people
  • Developing and embedding a culture of partnership in the workplace
  • Influencing Government and other key decision-makers to act in the best interests of the industry
  • Improving safety, health and environmental performance