BPIF revises print industry roadmap

The BPIF has published the final version of the printing industrys first-ever industry strategic plan.

The three-year roadmap for the industry, published at the federation's AGM last week, aims to set out ways to improve British printers' profit margins.

A World Class Printing Industry Building Competitiveness and Profitability has been developed from the consultation draft launched in April (PrintWeek, 27 April 2004).

Following comments made to the federation and to PrintWeek, the final version of the plan includes a new section entitled Encouraging innovation and value-adding customer services.

BPIF strategic partnerships director Andrew Brown said: "I would expect printers looking at this document to recognise the strategic themes and objectives that we've set out here as the key challenges they are facing in their own businesses."

"More importantly, it sets out the support that is available from the industry's business support community in helping companies drive these things through.

"It's one thing to recognise that you have an issue to tackle, but it's another to see that there's help and assistance available. That's really what this document does."

The plan takes a "three pillar" approach. The BPIF has been responsible for developing the representation and partnership sections, while Vision in Print produced the productivity and competitiveness section and the Print Education Forum worked on training.

The 23pp document, also produced in collaboration with the GPMU, will be updated regularly. It is available at www.british print.com.l  The deadline for response to the Partnership at Work survey has been extended to next Friday, 23 July.