Trade bodies publish revised strategic plan

The revised edition of the print industrys first-ever industry strategic plan <i>World Class Printing</i> is now available, with a new section dedicated to attracting more young people to printing.

The joint publication between BPIF, Vision in Print, Proskills and Amicus was first published in 2004 to help make British printing more profitable. The updated version covers the latest programmes, including Picon's PrintIT!, which features in a new section: Attract More Young People Into the Industry.

"Some of the things we said we were going to do [in the last edition] we've now done and some new things are in the pipeline," said BPIF strategic partnerships director Andrew Brown.

"The industry is moving fast and we have to move quickly with it," he said.

"Specialist organisations have developed and by working together these organisations can get more done than we have in the past. We can use this document to engage outside organisations for support as well.

"There are an awful lot of sectors within the print industry and each has a multiplicity of organisations, but as an industry we have got to put our heads together. A combined voice is louder."

The document is available at

*BPIF and Pira International are holding a free seminar on 16 March. Beyond the Horizon is based on a study about future print demands within direct marketing and magazine publishing. Call 020 7915 8338 or

Revised World Class Printing What's new:
Section 4: Attract More Young People into the Industry
PAS 75 "now a reality"