DuPonts b-series on PPA list

DuPonts Cromalin b-series of digital proofing machines is in the final stages of gaining accreditation from the PPA.

The products join Creos Iris, Agfas Grand Sherpa, and the Kodak Polychrome Graphics Matchprint ink-jet on the shortlist of machines that would be allowed to run a proof4press control strip if trials prove successful.

The move is part of the PPAs drive to develop a standard proofing method that is acceptable and relevant across the UK magazine industry. The PPAs current accredited machines are the Creo Veris and the DuPont A-series (PrintWeek, 6 November 2003).

Publishers have previously accredited DuPonts Cromalin as the required standard to match for their own proofs, said a PPA spokeswoman.

DuPont Image Technologies UK sales director Alan Walsh said that if the b-series achieved the accreditation then it would lead to a lift in sales.

There are currently 60 Cromalin b2s in operation in the UK. The newly launched b3 is not available in the UK but is currently being tested by auction house Sothebys in London.

DuPont has also announced its plans for Drupa. The company will showcase the b2, b3 and Cyrel Fast 4260.

Story by Philip Chadwick