Colourbyte gains P4P approval

Colourbyte has been granted the first proof4press accreditation for an independent proofing system by the PPA.

Up until now only complete proofing systems made up of matched dedicated hardware and software from Agfa, Creo and DuPont have been granted the proof4press standard.

Its accreditation covers the Oris Color Tuner 5.0 RIP with Canon's W2200 two-page ink-jet printer.

"We're delighted that Oris Color Tuner has achieved PPA proof4press accreditation ahead of its nearest competitors," said Colourbyte director Tim Stockley. "This is going to make a big difference, it's not been a small undertaking, it's been difficult and we're very pleased."

The product is used by repro houses Colour Systems and Rival Colour and two undisclosed "major" publishers.

Having achieved the accreditation on the Canon printer the firm is in the process of seeking accreditation for Color Tuner using Epson printers.

"We picked the Canon because the Epsons suffer metamerism [proofs looking different under different lighting conditions]. But people have accepted metamerism from Epson and that has led to an increased use of lighting booths, and there are so many Epsons out there that we just need RIP accreditation," Stockley added.

The firm will present Color Tuner driving Epson printers at the next proof4press meeting in May alongside another four or five vendors including Colorbus, GMG and KPG for the visual assessment of the products. Following that the proofs, if deemed visually acceptable, will be objectively measured.

By the end of the year the PPA hopes to have fully accredited at least 10 devices. Currently, six are approved including Color Tuner.

Story by Barney Cox