Countdown to St George's Day lunch

Industry lunch is approaching its quarter-century
Industry lunch is approaching its quarter-century

The St George’s Day Luncheon Club is gearing up for its 24th annual charity lunch in London.

This year’s lunch is being held in support of Cardiac Risk in the Young and Parkinson’s UK, and takes place on Friday 24 April at the Royal Lancaster Hotel in Bayswater.

The host for the afternoon will be renowned after-dinner speaker Bob 'The Cat' Bevan, and there will be an array of entertainment including music, magic and humour.

The tenors and divas of Incognito Artists will also make an appearance for the stirring ‘Last Night of the Proms’-style finale.

“You will be guaranteed a lunch full of fun, laughter and song and at the same time helping us to raise funds for charity,” said St George’s Day Luncheon Club chairman Peter Howell. To book or for further information email

By tradition the event is held on the nearest Friday to St George's Day, which this year falls on Thursday 23 April.