Charterhouse comes out top as Unilever consolidates its print needs

Print manager Charterhouse has won a contract for food and healthcare product manufacturer Unilever away from rival HH.

Both companies were supplying print to the company, but it took the decision to consolidate its print management services.

Following a competitive tender, Charterhouse was awarded a three-year multi-million pound contract, effective from November 2008.

Charterhouse's new business director Sue Tuck said: "When Unilever relocated to a single head office as part of its growth programme to consolidate its business and build on communications, they decided to introduce one contract.

"From the feedback that we have received, we won the contract because of the level of service we offered. We have an expert account management team on site at Unilever so we can provide an immediate response to projects."

She continued: "We turned out to be the most robust supplier and we are able to offer carbon neutral print supply."

Andrew Bradbury, NPI supply manager at Unilever UK and Ireland, added: "Our Charterhouse account management team have a thorough understanding of our business and marketing requirements.

"Charterhouse is a highly respected, proactive company and the business looks forward to continuing and building upon a successful partnership."

Chief executive of Charterhouse Gary Mahoney said: "This is a great win for us and is a resounding endorsement of the close working relationship we have built with Unilever over recent years.

"We are delighted to be awarded the full contract and look forward to developing that relationship in the future."