Q&A: Sarah Kilcoyne, account executive, Bluetree Design and Print

Graduating last year from Sheffield University, Sarah believes in living life to the full - an attitude she clearly intends to pass on to the Guide and Brownie groups she runs in her spare time.

Why did you get into printing?
I’d just graduated and was looking for a new challenge

What would be your dream job?
I’ve got several dream jobs, each one taking something from and building on the previous. The job I have now is a dream because it lets me learn something completely new

Who would play you in a movie about your life?
Megan Fox, she’s innocent looking but with a wicked streak

What is your favourite film?
Disney’s Aladdin

What is your favourite phrase?
Well-behaved women rarely make history

What is your favourite song?
Anything by the Red Hot Chili Peppers

What is your greatest luxury in life?
My friends and family, it sounds cheesy but all the material possessions in the world would be worthless if you’ve no one to share them with

What is the strangest job you’ve had?
When I worked at M&S on the tills, a woman insisted that I peeled all her bananas before weighing them so she wasn’t paying for the waste!

What’s your greatest fear?
Something bad happening that I have no control over

Most embarrassing moment?
In the Girl Guides we have an annual pop concert called the Big Gig. The girls decided that we were all going to go in fancy dress so me and another leader dressed as Batgirl and Robin. However, the girls changed their mind and went in pink without telling us. We spent most of the day taking pictures with girls from all over the country, it was a good laugh but calling in for petrol on the way home dressed as Batgirl was an experience

Who would be your favourite party guests?
Steven Fry for intelligent conversation, Margaret Thatcher because she’d hold her own in an argument, Russell Brand and Johnny Depp. Plus Keith Lemon for the comedy value

Where would you go if you could time-travel?
I’d go back in time to spend one last day with my dad who died really suddenly just before I turned 18

Life is…?
Short, tomorrow is promised to no one so make today count!