
RMC Digital boosts market position with HB modular sign acquisition
Wide-format trade firm RMC Digital has acquired the Modular Sign System (MSS) division of Warwickshire signage and display specialist Workshop2.

EFI expands Pro Series printer portfolio
EFI has added two more next-generation printers to its wide-format Pro Series portfolio.

Epson tackling systems breach
Some of Epson’s systems in East Asia have been accessed by an unauthorised third party.

QPS Print picks up second Colorado
Stoke-on-Trent wide-format firm QPS Print has installed a second Canon Colorado 1650 roll-to-roll printer, with director Russ Fairweather calling the decision a “no-brainer”.

Fespa UK brings sustainability whizz Jon Hutton on board
Jon Hutton has officially joined the Fespa UK team, after working with the association for three years as an independent advisor.

Statex overhauls wide-format wing in company-wide spend
Commercial printer Statex has overhauled its wide-format capabilities as part of an £800,000 technology blitz intended to bring the company up to the cutting edge.

GMD installs SwissQprint Nyala with Compass support
GMD Print & Install (GMD) has purchased a new SwissQprint Nyala 4 with the support of a tailored payment plan from the manufacturer and Compass Business Finance.

Under the hood of last month’s most-read stories
While tribulations at two of the UK’s largest print groups topped last month’s ranking of our biggest stories, there were still reasons to be cheerful with a smattering of ramp-ups and start-ups.

Wrapfest reveals agenda highlights for Silverstone event
Fespa’s vehicle-wrapping expo, WrapFest, has revealed highlights for its October event, held at Silverstone racing circuit.

Origin Sign Co enjoys efficiency gains with HP Latex install
Skelmersdale-based wide-format firm Origin Sign Co has found itself saving time, money and stress after installing an HP Latex 630.