Agfa UK boss claims '91 slowdown was worse
Agfa Graphics UK managing director Laurence Roberts has urged calm in the face of the current economic slowdown, amid fears the industry could talk itself into a worse situation.
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Agfa Graphics UK managing director Laurence Roberts has urged calm in the face of the current economic slowdown, amid fears the industry could talk itself into a worse situation.
Newspaper finishing equipment manufacturer Ferag has unveiled a new product aimed at the regional publishing sector.
B2 Printer B&B Press has said that investing in a new card cutter has been just as important as a 1m spend that preceded it.
Inkjet and laser manufacturer Domino Printing Sciences has announced that it is to cut 70 UK jobs as demand for coding and marking products remains subdued.
Autobond has revealed the reason why its Mini Laminator was missing from the Chicago Graph Expo show.
Gemini Press, Shoreham, has invested in a new Varimatrix 105 die-cutter from Heidelberg.
<b>Ian Hunter, group production manager, Newsquest (Sussex):</b>
Finishing equipment supplier Total PFS has launched a new website dedicated to smaller hand-held and desktop finishing equipment.
Italian printer has become the first European company to invest in KIP's latest wide-format colour machines, the KIP Color 80.