Q&A: Mike Jones

Mike Jones is an account director at Howard Smith Paper Group. An avid West Ham FC fan, Mike's dream bit of kit is not an all-singing, all-dancing printing press, but West Ham's home kit. Despite spending around 46 years of his life in the paper industry, his ideal job would be a professional golfer.

Why did you get into paper?
By accident

What would be your dream job?
Professional golfer

What is your dream bit of kit?
West Ham United home kit

What would you most like to print?

What is your favourite film?
A Bridge Too Far

Who do you admire most in the industry?
Everybody who is involved in the current paper and printing industry during these very tough trading times

What is the strangest job you've ever done?
Complaints department at Wiggins Teape

Who would you like to be stuck on a desert island with?
My partner Nicole, who died from pancreatic cancer last year, aged 53

What's your greatest fear?
To see West Ham United relegated again

Who or what makes you laugh?
Current paper prices

Most embarrassing moment?
Winning the HSP London Region golf trophy for the fourth time in a row from the same handicap

What is your greatest talent?
The ability to put a whole bag of Mini Cheddars in my mouth in one go

Life is...?
What you make it