Business confidence

Accentuate the positive and have faith in your ability to succeed

Printweek editor Darryl Danielli

Confidence is critical to the success of any business. But as with so many things in life there are the ‘nice to haves’ we have little influence over and ‘must haves’ we like to think we have absolute control of.

For example, it’s nice to have confidence the economy will remain stable, and inflation and interest rates will both head in the right direction.

Equally having faith that every one of your competitors will price a job in a sustainable way, ensuring a level playing field, would be a wonderful thing.

And it goes without saying that it would be great to believe that every new customer will stick to your payment terms and pay on time, rather than try to enforce their slightly more ‘relaxed’ approach.

Sadly, those are just some of the issues your average business leader has little direct influence over.

However, confidence is all about positivity and focusing on the things that you can help shape and build trust – typically where relationships are key – like your team, and your established customers and suppliers.

Ultimately these three groups are most likely to dictate if a business is successful or not: an empowered workforce that you trust to make the right decisions for your business, customers that become true partners, and suppliers that you know have your back.

But none of the above is possible without the self confidence in your own leadership abilities, because that’s what ensures all the above becomes a reality.

So, why not demonstrate some of the confidence you have in your team, customers, suppliers and, most importantly, yourself and enter the Printweek Awards!

Because while the panel of independent judges will decide who wins, a nomination from you would be a helluva ‘nice to have’ for all the above. But remember you ‘must have’ to enter in the first place.