Editor's Comment

Make the most of social media but don’t forget your IRL connections
Social media is an incredibly polarising topic.

The sector’s evolution continues and we must keep moving forward
As peak season draws to a close for many of you, and you start to reflect on 2024, it’s safe to say it’s been another eventful year for the industry.

Pre-pack sales are here to stay and done right, can be a force for good
It seems insolvency practitioners are trying to give the term ‘pre-pack’ a makeover, instead preferring the wordier ‘SIP 16-compliant sale’ because, funnily enough they think the shorter variant has...

Accentuate the positive and have faith in your ability to succeed
Confidence is critical to the success of any business. But as with so many things in life there are the ‘nice to haves’ we have little influence over and ‘must haves’ we like to think we have absolute...

How can we help smaller printing businesses up sales per employee?
Not so long ago, when it came to balancing the revenue of a well-run print business and its number of employees, the rule of thumb was that, broadly speaking, sales of £100,000 per employee was the...

Now is the perfect time to ponder a production-boosting investment
It seems the Drupa excitement is starting to build, certainly among the manufacturer community at least.

Putting people first could remedy print’s age-old issue with old age
For more years than I care to remember we’ve talked about the print industry’s ageing workforce as a ‘ticking time bomb’ that will be our undoing.

It’s time to get a fresh perspective now we’ve got rid of the zombies
If you were to skim through this issue’s news digest, you could be forgiven for thinking the industry is on its last legs – with so many references to insolvencies, cut-backs, overreaches, and a whole...

When times are this tough, it’s important to look after each other
It’s official, the world is, seemingly unstoppably, going to hell in a handcart.