Looking back to look forward

The sector’s evolution continues and we must keep moving forward

Printweek editor Darryl Danielli

As peak season draws to a close for many of you, and you start to reflect on 2024, it’s safe to say it’s been another eventful year for the industry.

Seasonal euphemisms aside, let’s not beat around the bush, its actually been a bloody tough year for a lot of businesses.

Challenges have come thick and fast, and while we’ve been spared the huge trials of recent years, the compound impact of 2024’s (comparably) micro-challenges have been sadly devasting for some. Just check out our review of the year for a painful reminder.

But the good news is you made it through another year, and as the cheery saying goes, what doesn’t kill you, just makes you stronger. More than that our review also highlights myriad reasons to be positive for the year ahead.

New businesses have been born, established players of all shapes and sizes have expanded and invested, and after an eight-year hiatus Drupa made a welcome return and with it came a much-needed boost of positivity for print at large, regardless of whether you visited not.

Because it showed how the industry has continued to evolve and how opportunities continue to emerge.

And those are the two critical ingredients that any industry or business needs to survive and thrive – so rather than look back at what could have gone better, perhaps now is the time to look forward, celebrate what went well, and think about what you might want to do differently next year.

On behalf of the Printweek team, wishing you all a wonderful Christmas and restful holiday season and, perhaps most importantly, a profitable and positive print year in 2025!