The machine, which will replace a four-colour Speedmaster SM 52-4, will help the seven-staff company to print a range of multimedia packaging applications.
The Middlesex-based printer, which also runs a single-colour B2 Speedmaster, prints a range of products, including CD and DVD booklets, wallets and inlays. Its new press will be used to print special colours.
Lee van Engel, customer services manager at The Standard Press, said used equipment had previously proved more cost-effective for the company, but added that he had been convinced by Heidelberg to invest in new kit this time round.
He said: "We needed to replace a 10-year-old SM 52-4 that we have had since 2002 and which has served us well, clocking up just over 100 million impressions.
"We are finding the [new] press is making a significant difference to productivity."
The Standard Press invests in five-colour Heidelberg Speedmaster

The Standard Press has bought its first new printing press - a five-colour Heidelberg Speedmaster SM 52-5.