The Kings Lynn, Norfolk-based company will install the Speedmaster SM 52-2 machine in September, replacing two outgoing Ryobi presses.
According to Hart, although the company has spent more on the Heidelberg press, he is convinced it represents value for money.
He said: "I could have bought for less money, but the SM 52 represents the best investment, the best value when you analyse the resale value, the engineering, the capability of the technology.
"It is right for our customers, primarily recruitment sector specialists, who demand quick, quality work."
The six-staff company handles work for a range of clients including seven national recruitment companies and insurance businesses. It also offers a full print management service.
Hart said the new press will help the company "tool up" its resources and increase capacity for future work.
"We're having a good time in a bad time. The Heidelberg will eat and drink the work we do and hopefully have a knock-on effect to the rest of the business too," he added.
Sprint invests in two-colour Heidelberg Speedmaster

Sprint managing director Gary Hart has said the company has invested in a press that will "eat and drink" work after signing for a two-colour Heidelberg Speedmaster.