PrintIT! gains further boost

PrintIT!, the initiative to attract youngsters to the print sector, has received a 20,000 cash boost from two industry suppliers.

"This latest commitment from MAN Roland GB and Turning Point Technologies gives further impetus to the project and demonstrates that both interest and support for PrintIT! is still very much on the agenda," said chairman Martyn Elmy.

The firms donated 10,000 each to the initiative.

"If we are to maintain a healthy and vibrant industry for the future, we must invest now in schemes such as PrintIT! to ensure we have the best possible workforce," said MAN Roland GB marketing director Murray Lock, while Turning Point managing director Steve Emerson praised PrintIT as "the first real programme to come to fruition", and added: "We believe it is our duty to lend our support to a scheme that will benefit us all."

Story by Darryl Danielli