
PrintIT! is an initiative to attract more young people into the print industry. GSCE students across the UK are invited to take part in an eight-week project linked to the Graphic Products and Graphic Design curriculum. At a time when the average age of workers in the print industry is 48, the Proskills-backed programme is a fantastic way to secure the future of the industry.

Printers are welcomed to 'twin' with schools to help students get to grips with the complexities of print. According to PrintIT! project director Paul Evans, twinning is a win-win for printers and schools alike. "It's a good news story for both sides," he said. Evans added that the level of support from printers has been great, but the programme is always looking for more printers to get involved.

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PrintIT! Awards 2008/9 winners
The best students, schools and printers are awarded at the initiatives annual awards

PrintIT! awards flag up 'ace' career opportunities
PrintWeek editor Darryl Danielli gives his take on this year's awards ceremony and programme