New Year Predictions - John Charnock's take on 2011

John Charnock, managing director, Print Research International

What do you think will be the greatest opportunity for and threat to printers next year?

The greatest opportunity for printers is to adapt and take advantage of their competition being entrenched in traditional thinking. There are plenty of opportunities; however, what is holding back many printers is confidence and fear of trying something new. The greatest threat is continuing to do the same old thing and disappearing in ever decreasing circles.


What do you believe is the most under-recognised aspect in printing that is likely to become more important in 2010?

Community, we have a great industry and a good community, the trouble is we don't realise it. We need to get out more and explore the opportunities. I have recently had the pleasure of meeting many more print organisations than I did in my previous role and I must say we have some great innovative businesses out there, but we don't communicate or collaborate in any way. Collaboration and partnering will become more and more relevant in 2011.


How important do you think Northprint will be?

Very. As a Northerner I think it is fair to say that businesses are often forgotten "'U'p North". Even if you are not buying, what better timing and place to go and kick some tires and involve yourself in the community of UK Print. It is a great place to explore new ideas and get some free advice.

What can the industry do to increase its profile next year?

Pay politicians lots of money? We run the risk of spending money preaching to the converted, most brands still understand the value of printed products. We do need to fight our corner on environmental issues but we need to get our house in order before we shout too loud.


Also, training and Mentoring - I have had the privilege to mentor a student this year and we really do need to encourage young creative people into this industry.

What will you do differently next year?

Mentor three students, I would like every one of you to ask yourself what are you doing to bring new blood into the business, they are the future and we need to encourage it.


Oh and I will try and do my VAT returns on time.