New Year Predictions - Andy Brown's take on 2011

Andy Brown, corporate affairs director, BPIF

What do you think will be the greatest opportunity for and threat to printers next year?

For decades now, printers have been in the business of transmitting data, text and images by electronic means. Printers should therefore see the growth of internet-based communications as an opportunity rather than as a threat. There is now a great deal of evidence to show print is a particularly effective medium if it is utilised as part of an integrated cross-platform marketing mix.


The threat on the other hand is the risk of being left behind by the more enlightened companies, and facing a slow and not-that-lingering death in the cutthroat world of commodity printing as a consequence.


What do you believe is the most under-recognised aspect in printing that is likely to become more important in 2011?

It has to be the sustainability of print as a modern communications medium. Print and paper is one of the UK’s few truly sustainable industries and paper comes from a renewable crop, yet so many corporates and members of the public still seem to think that we are responsible for destroying the planet’s natural resources. We really must raise our game in setting out our industry’s environmental credentials and we need many more printers to subscribe to the Two Sides initiative and get involved in disseminating the powerful campaign messages it makes available to us.


How important do you think Northprint will be?

Northprint is great opportunity to exhibit at a relaxed but very well organised show. We will be helping Northprint to introduce visitors to experts in print finance provided by our BPIF Financial Alliance partners, who will be on hand to offer advice.


What can the industry do to increase its profile next year?

Get involved in the Two Sides campaign to promote the environmental credentials of print and paper, as well as the new pan-European PrintPower campaign to promote the effectiveness of print as a communications and advertising medium.


What will you do differently next year?

Next year will be very different for me personally, as I am leaving the employment of the BPIF at the end of March after 30 years service. I am going to continue to do some policy work for them off-payroll and look after their government lobbying programme. But I’m not looking to put my feet up just yet and I’ll be looking to work with one or two other clients as well.