Meadows launches improved DesignMerge Pro

Meadows has launched the latest version of its DesignMerge Pro suite of plug-ins for Adobe InDesign CS5.

New to the variable-data software is the ability to automatically add consecutive numbering to VDP jobs, support for QR code and data matrix bar codes, and MPS GroupPicture which enables the user to create InDesign groups that can be referenced as as variable elements.

This latter makes production of variable jobs such as personalised coupons and custom catalogues more streamlined.

DesignMerge also now supports variable elements on master pages, as well as enhanced scripting for custom 'actions' and style tags to better control text styling during a merge.

Meadows president John Kriho said the new release was more than a year in the making.

"The new features and options now available for DesignMerge address the needs of a completely new set of markets and applications, which in turn presents expanded business opportunities," he said.

The new software will be on show at the On Demand Expo, 22-24 March in Washington DC.