Good service is vital to success, say reports

Improving customer service is key to printers improving profitability according to two reports published this week.

Vision in Print's What Makes a Good Printer? and PrintYorkshire's Competitive Advantage through Customer Service Excellence reports were unveiled at the start of this week.

Their publication coincided with the launch of the BSI- and BPIF-developed PAS 75 Specification for print production and services, which also focuses on requirements of effective customer service.

"There is a clear correlation between customer service and profitability," said Tim Wilkinson, author of the PrintYorkshire report. Wilkinson's research into 40 print firms in Yorkshire across seven sectors showed that in each sector profitability rose in line with levels of service offered.

"Does customer service pay? you'd better believe it," he added.

The importance of service was also highlighted by ViP's What Makes a Good Printer? report which interviewed more than 200 print buyers covering a range of sectors, buying power and experience.

"Cost is very much not the most important factor, service is key," said the author Clare Taylor.

PAS 75, which was developed based on the findings of the two reports as well as feedback from a 70-strong panel of printers and buyers, is now available from BSI or the BPIF. It can be used as a checklist for best practice or firms can apply for the BSi Kitemark accreditation.

The first firms to gain accreditation under a pilot scheme will be revealed in early 2006.