BPIF unveils Kitemark scheme for printers

A Kitemark scheme for printing firms has been developed by the BPIF in conjunction with the British Standards Institution (BSI).

The standard, PAS 75, aims to help printers and buyers by providing a benchmark for the quality of a printer's business processes and customer service identified as important by print buyers as well as quality print production.

The scope of the scheme covers design, pre-media, printing, converting, finishing, packing, delivery, fulfilment and ancillary services.

"Printers can no longer win business based on quality, cost and delivery these are now a given," said Vision in Print (ViP) chief executive Richard Gray.

The new scheme comes as two reports on buyers' needs and printers' customer service are set to be published.

What Makes A Good Printer, sponsored by ViP, surveyed 150 print buyers to find out which factors lead printers to win more business.

The second, sponsored by both ViP and PrintYorkshire, questioned 40 printers to discover what steps they had taken to improve customer service.

"What is striking is that the companies that make an effort with customer service tend to be more successful businesses," added Gray.

The "What Makes A Good Printer" seminars will be held in London and Wakefield on 6-7 December. Visit www.visioninprint.co.uk.

Criteria for Kitemark
- Print production capacity

- Occupational health and safety

- Environmental management

- Information security

- Financial management

- Business planning