Fespa proves its mettle

Visiting Fespa Digital in Amsterdam it was possible to forget for a short time while inside the halls that we're in the midst of recession. There was a positive atmosphere and no shortage of developments and technology on show.

One argument that was being aired was that in tough times the imperative to switch to the latest production technology is even stronger, and banks may be more willing to fund investments in new markets that show high growth than established ones.

Financial conditions aside, it was developments in UV printing technology that dominated the show. Entry-level machines were launched that promise lower prices and higher performance, so putting more pressure on solvent technology.

At the high end a raft of launches pushed up productivity while increased competition with new players entering the market put pressure on prices, helping make the technology more affordable.

Tucked away was one of the highlights of the show – the demonstration of metallic inkjet inks. Eckart’s display of both solvent and UV-cured technologies demolished the commonly held belief that metallic effects were impossible using digital technologies and opens up a wide range of new market sectors and applications.