CIP4 to unveil new version of JDF in summer

CIP4 will reveal a new version of the Job Definition Format (JDF) this summer.

It will incorporate feedback from working groups on, among other things, digital print and web press controls.

It will be backward-compatible and future versions are also under development.

CIP4 has formal agreements in place with many print industry organisations including Ifra, ICC, PODi, Idealliance, CGATS and PrintTalk, with more in the pipeline.

As of the end of last year it had nearly 120 member companies.

At Ipex CIP4 will hold a series of seminars on JDF.

"I hope you agree that the work were doing is important, and that you will join us in helping to make JDF the success that the industry needs it to be," said CIP4 chief executive Martin Bailey.
