CIP4 releases new version of its JDF specification

CIP4 The International Cooperation for the Integration of Processes in Prepress, Press and Postpress has released version 1.1 of the Job Definition Format (JDF) specification.

The new version includes provision for variable data print requirements. Other modifications include colour workflow, e-commerce, finishing and device capability description.

"With JDF 1.1 CIP4 has developed a backwards-compatible extension that incorporates feedback from real-world implementation experience," said CIP4 technical officer Rainer Prosi. "It will serve as the foundation for end-to-end workflow solutions for the graphic arts industry."

The new specification was written with the aid of industry groups including CGATS, ICC, Ifra, PODi and PrintTalk. It runs to over 500 pages and can be downloaded as a PDF from .

An updated schema will be available in several weeks, followed by an update to the JDF application programming interface (API).

UK e-commerce software development firm TripleArc has just become a full CIP4 member. It has developed its software around JDF.

JDF was one of the key themes at Ipex and was at the heart of the PrintCity concept for integrating third-party systems.

Story by Barney Cox