Trio of new tenders

Bumper £1.5m council contract heads up new tenders

Some suppliers were awarded several lots
The Ipswich Borough Council tender requires a range of print and delivery services

A print contract worth £1.5m from Ipswich Borough Council is the biggest of the new industry related tenders currently available on the government’s Find a Tender service.

The council said it was currently out to tender for “the provision of print and mail services” for SRP [Shared Revenues Partnership].

With an estimated total value excluding VAT of £1.5m, the contract covers various areas relating to printing, including digital printing, and delivery and distribution services.

The council said price is not the only award criterion and that all criteria are stated in the procurement documents.

The duration of the contract is 60 months and it is not subject to renewal.

The time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate is 22 July 2024 at 10am. Further information is available via Find a Tender.

Meanwhile, on the government’s Contracts Finder service, Change Grow Live (CGL) is looking to convene a contract “for the provision of Design to Print Solutions”.

The anticipated contract value is £300,000 per annum.

It stated: “The board of directors has considered the current position and has concluded that in the interests of CGL and its subsidiaries, proposals are sought to provide a service with an effective start date of 1 February 2025.

“The contract will be for four years, subject to satisfactory performance, with the ability to extend the contract for up to a further two years.”

Closing for bids at 5pm on 7 August 2024, the contract is set to conclude on 31 January 2029.

Finally, Imperial War Museums (IWM) is tendering for a supplier to print the full range of the official IWM guidebooks for all five museums and three children’s guidebooks.

The guidebooks will be available for purchase at all IWM admissions desks and gift shops across five sites.

It stated: “Each guidebook version is the same specification and pagination, but artwork will be different for each version. Each version will be produced as a separate order, however if schedules allow, we will batch more than one version together for production.”

With a value of £50,000 to £100,000, the closing date is 12pm on 5 August 2024. The contract will then start on 1 October 2024 and end on 30 September 2026.

More details can also be found on the Contracts Finder site.