B+P invests in high spec MBO folder

Friedheim International has taken an order from B+P Print Finishing for a new high spec MBO folder. The investment is seen as essential if B+P is to keep pace with the growing demand for high quality, short and medium run work.

Friedheim International has taken an order from B+P Print Finishing for a new high spec MBO folder. The investment is seen as essential if B+P is to keep pace with the growing demand for high quality, short and medium run work.
"Its no good a printer producing a top quality job only to be let down by the quality of the finished end product," said B+P technical director Reg Walwyk. "Weve always found the MBO folders to be very reliable and accurate. Thats why weve got nine of them."
The MBO K76/6 Super KTL combination folder features the companys Rapidset menu of 62 pre-programmed impositions. This can be extended to store a further 250 impositions which can be instantly called up for repeat work.
"All we have to do is store the original job in the Raipidset memory system," said Walwyk.