Guardian piece angers BPIF

The BPIF has slammed a full-page article published in The Guardian which claimed that UK Print plc was in terminal decline.

The article, published in Monday's business section (4 October), said: "The UK print industry is in terminal decline and could disappear completely from its birthplace in the City of London, according to a new report out today."

The piece referred to a Corporation of London report called Understanding the Print and Publishing Sectors in the City Fringe, written by the Burns Owen Partnership.

BPIF South East regional director Chris Patefield, who was involved with the drafting of the report, said: "To conclude that the UK printing industry is in terminal decline on the basis of its performance in the City Fringe requires quite a considerable leap of logic."

He added that the article's comparison of historical figures on company numbers and turnover and conclusion that the industry was moribund was like "comparing the blacksmith trade to the global tyre industry."

But Patefield supported the Corporation's report, which was produced in association with the City Fringe Partnership. He said that its recommendations were "extremely valid" and that the BPIF was already carrying out a number of them.

John Pulford, chief executive of Hoxton-based printer HenDi Group, welcomed the report but said that its conclusions were "limited and pretty obvious, and include things that are already happening."

The report said that small printers' knowledge of  internet marketing should be improved, while a local procurement scheme should be established to promote the industry in the City. It also recommended improving production processes, streamlining supply chains.

Story by Josh Brooks