BPIF launches digital interest group

The BPIF has launched a digital membership group to help printers better understand digital printing technology and how it can help develop new business.

BPIF Digital, which is open to both BPIF members and non-members, is aimed at companies that are considering adopting digital print as well as those that have recently taken the leap but want to develop knowledge and skills in order to maximise their return on investment.

The group will be facilitated by consultant Jo Lloyd and will take the format of webinars, national and regional practical workshops and seminars as well as networking lunches.

Lloyd, who is a consultant within the Canon Essential Business Builder Program, said the focus would be on learning and education.

She added: "We really want to help people get to grips with the change that is happening out there, to understand it, understand what it could do for their business and help them to profit from it.

"This will really benefit those that are currently not using digital technology but are considering it as well as those that are already using it but feel that they still have much to learn about how to make it work for them."

The webinars, the first of which will take place on 26 September entitled Intelligent Print Recognition from Documobi, will be technology-based, exploring the latest research and development, new product launches and relevant industry data and studies.

Lloyd said: "This group is going to be there to help its members understand new technologies and what may or may not be right for them. For me the webinars are really a no brainer. People are busy and they are watching their money more than ever and this is a fantastic and easy way to learn."

A second webinar, scheduled for 11 October, will cover Taopix’s Photobook software platform and how it can be used to develop a business. Lloyd said that other topics planned before the end of the year included cross media, inkjet technology and "what is 'the cloud' and how can I use it".

Workshops will take a more practical form such as how to develop successful business plans for digital printing, marketing techniques and understanding the environmental aspects of using the technology.

The group's first face-to-face event, entitled Meet the Buyers, will take place on 30 October at Canon's offices in Holborn, London while further workshops focussing on selling digital print are planned in other major UK cities, such as Leeds, later in the year.

Lloyd said that in today's climate, all businesses should be exploring their options.

She added: "It may be that digital printing is not right for their company or what they want to offer but at this point any business owner should be considering all avenues. The market is pretty abysmal so printing companies should be looking at all the ideas out there that could help develop their business."

Annual membership of BPIF Digital costs a single payment of £252 or £21 per month. More information is available at www.bpifdigital.org.uk