BPIF Cartons launches new e-learning platform

The introductory e-learning workshops have already taken place
The introductory e-learning workshops have already taken place

BPIF Cartons has launched a new e-learning platform for members, which covers all the key stages of carton production.

The platform was launched last month and comprises 31 modules covering the key carton production stages including pre-press, print, cut & crease and gluing, while also including modules on board manufacture and the carton industry. It also provides training on health and safety, with guidelines endorsed by BPIF experts.

As part of the launch, BPIF Cartons held three workshops to demonstrate how the portal works, welcoming 35 members from 24 companies to the sessions.

BPIF Cartons general manager Jon Clark said: “The platform provides tailored carton industry training in one easy to use online training portal. We believe it will save our members both time and money whilst providing relevant up-to-date training.

"All the modules are supported by training certificates and the portal offers the ability to record the details of all employees who have successfully completed each section.

“Early next year, we are planning to host a webinar to ensure members who couldn’t attend the workshops have the opportunity to benefit from this tailored training.”

The platform was developed in partnership with a number of key industry suppliers, including Frip, Bobst, Komori, Esko, Stora Enso, Iggesund, Two Sides and Procarton.

According to Clark, plans are already afoot to add further modules to the platform over the course of 2020.