Help Line: Fantastic plastic & magazine wraps

Jo Francis tracks down the solutions to your technical troubles
I’m working on a project that requires litho printing onto plastic and I’m looking for potential suppliers. Any recommendations?
‘Craig’, via Twitter
Well, this turned into rather a sobering exercise. I dug out my once-definitive list of printers of this ilk, started checking through it, and discovered that no less than eight of the 13 firms on the old list are now defunct. The radical reshaping of the industry encapsulated in a single Help Line question. You don’t give details of what the job entails, and some of the companies listed below specialise in certain types of product, for example plastic cards, or ring binders and folders. Anyway, here goes with a fresh version of the litho-printing-onto-plastic list, this is bound to require further finessing, so please let me know of any omissions and I’ll update accordingly. ACL Packaging Solutions (020 8391 4660); BD&H (01603 620780); Easibind (01773 761341); Plascard (0845 1300 380); Plastic Card Services (01625 504000); Print Leeds (0113 290 0340); Reflex Printed Plastics (01892 752888); The Ryedale Printing Group (01751 432505); Vinalith (0844 809 4840); White & Farrell (01482 329997); Wyprint (01924 280522).
I’ve been asked to look at producing some personalised coverwraps for a magazine. I’ve looked into this in the past so have some contacts, but if you have any new information that would be helpful.
‘L’, via email
If they’re not on your list already the name that springs immediately to mind is FE Burman (0207 206 1000). The company printed the personalised covers for the Wallpaper* project earlier this year where thousands of readers designed their own bespoke covers for the magazine. Other names could be Headley Brothers (01233 623131); Garnett Dickinson (01709 768000); St Ives (020 7928 8844); Lorien Unique (01753 768466) and MBA Group (020 8365 1888).