I am working on a project that will involve advertising items for shopping trolleys and baskets, but I’m having a problem sourcing someone who produces this type of media. I would really appreciate it if you could help by advising manufacturers of a plastic holder for the print to be placed in.
James Moore, via the Help Line forum
Try Bezier (www.bezier.com 01924 362921), the firm certainly has expertise in this area as we’ve written about them handling a large contract with Asda involving managing the advertising panels on 65,000 trolleys across the retailer’s network of stores. While digging around for information on this topic I also found the aptly-named Cart Art (www.cartart.co.uk), which is launching a new type of panel that fits along the sides of shopping trolleys. Apparently this method has been a big success in South Africa, where it originated, and plans are afoot to roll it out here.
Can you tell me who in Scotland (or the north of England) can undertake acetate glazing of tabs on preprinted sheets? I know of Henry Mills in Birmingham, but it would be preferable to have a source further north.
G, via email
Tricky. Last Bros in Hertfordshire (www.lastbros.co.uk 01992 638283) and Brum’s Henry Mills (www.henrymills.co.uk 0121 359 4671) are the names that automatically spring to mind for this service, and neither has a northern outpost. I’ve checked the PrintWeek Directory and all of the suppliers listed are located in the Midlands or further south. I fear you may be out of luck, but if anyone knows of someone located above 52 degrees north providing this service, please do get in touch.
I’m looking for a B3 UV litho printer located in the London area. Can you help?
LP, via email
Can’t think of any, sorry. That B3 UV market is quite a specialist niche. Here’s a list of companies that have a KBA Genius 52 for producing UV work in that format: Plastic Card Services (www.plastic-card-services.co.uk 01625 504000), BD&H (www.bdandh.co.uk 01603 620780), Easibind (www.easibind.com 01773 761341). Even further afield is ADC Plasticard in Dublin (www.adc.ie +35 314 649800).
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