I’m looking for a cheap sheetfed magazine printer. Can you provide some contacts?
‘D’, via email
Argh! I realise that all sort of people want all sorts of things printed cheaply for all sorts of valid reasons, but there’s something about it being identified as the key requisite from someone in the publishing business that is particularly angst-inducing. Anyhow, I wouldn’t dream of recommending a printing company on the basis of cheapness so I will instead provide an alphabetical list of printers who produce sheetfed magazines. I would, however, urge you to investigate what these suppliers can offer your business beyond a low price. I know that a number of specialists operating in this space offer the sort of expertise that will have value beyond any initial estimate. Ancient House (01473 232777); Bishops Printers (023 9233 4900); Buxton Press (01298 212000); Cambrian Printers (01970 627111, www.cambrian-printers.co.uk); Garnett Dickinson (01709 768000); Headley Brothers (01233 623131); Pensord (01495 232908); St Ives (020 7928 8844); Stephens & George (01685 388888); Stones the Printers (01295 819300); Warners Midlands (01778 391000); Westdale Press (029 2066 2600); Wyndeham Grange (01273 592244). As with any list of this ilk, I am now filled with a creeping dread in the certain knowledge that I will have missed someone-or-other off. Please get in touch if that’s you.
Do you know any good UK printers that can print onto wood?
Millie, via Twitter
AA handful spring immediately to mind, but as per usual I am always interested in developing my lists, so please get in touch if wood printing is up your street and you’re not listed. Isis Print in Cardiff (029 2081 1024); DS Smith Multigraphics (01274 683 434); ImageData Group (01482 652323); St Ives (020 7928 8844); GTMS (08453 101112); Colouration (020 8946 4466).
Price should not be your only criterion

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