
Think you’ve seen it all? Think again!

Meet swissQprint at The Print Show 2024 and prepare to be amazed

Always adding value

For almost 40 years Vivid Laminating Technologies has been serving the print finishing sector, moving with the times as lamination moved from a trade speciality to in-house, with smaller formats...

Star product: Kornit Apollo

The Apollo is an automated high-speed digital garment press for runs of one up to a few thousand, with a pricing model that could enable printers to break into DTG without breaking the bank.

Me & My: Konica Minolta AccurioPress C4070

If you take up residence in an old fire station, you may find that there’s something haunting you from the past. For the Ghostbusters it was a bad case of old spirits.

Overmatter: In the cutest dog house

Does Data Image Group have the most adorable brand champion in print?

Q&A: Paul Wilson, Master, Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers

Paul was employed by De La Rue PLC from 1994-2015 and has been an active member of the Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers since 2010.

Rising star: Isabel Shanahan, Mac operator and project coordinator, ImageCo

Isabel was one of the printing industry beneficiaries in The Printing Charity’s Rising Star awards this year, and is using her grant to take courses in graphic design and exhibition design and...

60 seconds with Northend

John William Northend set-up JW Northend in August 1889 at the age of 33. He left his secure job at William Townsend & Son, assured of his own technical ability to gain new customers based on an offer...

Avoid tax traps on renovations and improvements

Premises are essential to a printer’s success. Not only do they have to be in the right location, but they need to have that ‘Goldilocks’ element to them – not to be so large so as to cost more than...

Two become one

It’s not hard to find examples of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) within the print and related sectors.

A matter of confidence

Business is all about confidence. This means confidence in a supplier to do what has been agreed; confidence in a customer to pay on time; and confidence in the government and the economy to encourage...