Print buying

CPI Mackays completes 50,000 run of Michael Jackson biography

CPI Mackays has completed the first print run of Ian Halperin's Michael Jackson biography Unmasked: The Final Years of Michael Jackson.

Sainsbury's commissions St Ives Direct to produce first home catalogue

Supermarket giant Sainsbury's has commissioned St Ives Direct to produce its first ever home catalogue.

Toyota chooses DM to promote new range

Toyota has opted for direct mail to encourage car buyers to opt for one of the manufacturer's Optimal Drive models.

Young adults 'most responsive to DM campaigns'

Young adults are the most responsive to direct mail campaigns, a new study has found.

World's largest recycled newsprint machine begins production in UK

Production on the world's largest recycled newsprint machine has started production three weeks ahead of schedule.

Bezier rolls out new pricing displays for Asda

Bezier has helped supermarket giant Asda to produce a series of new pallet display units.

GI Direct appointed to Welsh Assembly Government's framework contract.

GI Direct has been appointed to the Welsh Assembly Government's printing services framework.

HarperCollins turns to hardback print-on-demand model

Book publisher Collins, a subsidiary of publishing house HarperCollins, has moved its print-on-demand production into full-colour hardback.

PPA publishes export trends report

A new report highlighting the value and trends of UK exported magazines between 2004 and 2007 has been published by the Periodical Publishers Association (PPA).

Reader's Digest to file for Chapter 11

Reader's Digest Association (RDA) has said it will file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy as part of a financial restructuring plan that includes a $1.6bn (967m) debt-for-equity swap.