
Oc wins 5m Standard Life deal to supply printing equipment

Oc has sealed a 5m deal to supply finance company Standard Life with a total of 13 colour and mono machines, ousting incumbent supplier Xerox.

Screen encouraging printers to trial Truepress Jet650UV

Screen is encouraging printers to road test an alternative to screen printing by trialling its Truepress Jet650UV inkjet flatbed at its European Print on Demand Demo Centre.

Parrot eyes tighter deadlines with Ryobi 524HXX

Parrot Print has installed a Ryobi 524HXX to boost its output and meet demands for tighter deadlines.

Nipson SAS comes out of administration

Nipson SAS, the digital equipment manufacturer's main operating subsidiary, has come out of Redressment Judiciare, the French equivalent of administration.

Delphi urges digital printers to join FilePrint

Delphi Labs has urged digital print companies to sign up to its FilePrint automated web-to-print system, which it has just updated with the launch of an automated imposition module.

Total Print! Expo 2009 cancelled by IIR

Exhibition organiser IIR has shelved this autumn's Total Print! Expo (TPE) show, citing difficult market conditions.

MP clarifies position on Digital Britain report following backlash

Dan Rogerson MP has moved to clarify his position on the printing of the Digital Britain report following a backlash on and a joint letter from the BPIF and Unite.

Vutek outsources solvent ink production to Nazdar

EFI has revealed that wide-format division Vutek has outsourced most of its solvent ink production to Nazdar.

Hybrid cuts cost of ink to help make Mimaki kit more attractive to sign makers and smaller printers

UK Mimaki distributor Hybrid Services has dramatically cut the cost of UV ink to make the technology affordable for smaller printers and sign makers.

Lick Group trebles size of premises and hints at acquisitions

Lick Group has trebled the size of its premises with a move to a 3,720sqm building and said it was considering potential acquisitions.