Star Product
Komori Lithrone 526
Since its establishment 84 years ago, Komori has been producing offset printing products. Its original flagship presses were the 40in and 29in Lithrone S Series, and the Sprint Series sheetfed offset...
MAN Roland 700 DirectDrive
MAN Rolands latest contender in the short-run market was given the kind of launch usually reserved for a Formula One car a darkened room with strobe lights and the machine hidden under covers. Once...
Star product: Sun Chemical Metal-Eco inks
Sun Chemical has launched Metal-Eco; the worlds first vegetable oil-based sheetfed offset metallic inks.
I swear by my... Stago HM15 stapler
The Stago HM15 stapler has replaced an older model that we had owned for about 15 years.
Star product: Duplo ASM 500 squareback finisher
At Northprint, Duplo intends to launch its new bookletmaking solution: the ASM 500 Automatic SpineMaster. The unit is designed to give a perfect bound-book finish to saddle-stitched and folded...
I swear by my... Mimaki JV-160s
We print all sorts of jobs on it including stickers, signage and exhibition materials. The machine we had before produced good quality print but let us down on speed.
Star product: Oc Arizona 250 GT
Ocs Arizona 250 GT UV-curable flatbed and roll-to roll inkjet printer made its worldwide debut at the firms open house held in March. Unlike many other flatbed and rigid-capable presses the Arizona...
I swear by my... GMG ColorServer
We wanted to find a way of ensure accurate and reliable colour across our two HP Indigo 3050 presses. We decided to invest in technology as we realised it would make a big difference to the quality of...
Star product: Fuji XMF workflow
From being near the back, Fuji has taken the technological lead of the workflow race with the release of XMF. At Ipex, this time last year, it announced that it was working on a brand new workflow...
Bell & Howell Jumbo Vitesse
Matthew Perkins, operations director at Birmingham mailing house Baker Goodchild, is impressed by the speed and versatility of his inserting kit