Backward steps drive print forward
For a man whose mission in life is to sell as much print as he can, Jason Walker has a perverse attitude to the actual act of selling: the managing director of Macclesfield-based Everydayprint...
Weathering the storm
According to a survey conducted last year by business insurance underwriter Axa, 12% of UK companies believe that severe weather patterns are a bigger threat to their business than either poor...
Daily challenges for a moveable feast
The sunny yellow on Fox Print Services website and business cards mirrors the disposition of the two men sitting in the office. From their laughter and jovial patter it is clear that both managing...
Late changes put pressure on printers to deliver ballots
Printers were this week embroiled in a row over the controversial postal voting system, as printing delays led to fears that some people would be unable to vote in next Thursdays elections.
Cheshire firm eyes 15m turnover as it extends ambitions beyond acquisitions
With a hearty chuckle, Kelvin Graphics managing director Dave Hodgson says that his fellow directors have told him to stop buying companies. Theyve asked me to come up for air, at least for the year,...
Adare sells Kall Kwik and Prontaprint
Adare could consider selling more non-core parts of its business after it confirmed the long-awaited sale of its high-street print chains Kall Kwik and Prontaprint.

Banks take control of Polestar in £557m debt-for-equity deal
Polestar Group’s financial stability has been secured in an £814m refinancing deal that has prompted speculation about the firm’s future.