Polestar Sheffield averts industrial action with pay deal

Unite members at Polestar Sheffield have voted in favour of an "unprecedented" three-year pay deal that has secured the future stability of the site.

The deal, which was tabled by the company at the 11th hour in a bid to avoid a ballot for industrial action, was accepted after 79% of staff voted in favour of the offer.

Unite national officer Vernon Robson said: "We are delighted with the acceptance by Unite members of the unprecedented three-year deal at Polestar Sheffield.

"This is a sensible agreement in the current climate, which brings stability to the company and workforce and reflects the willingness of both parties to work together.

"It recognises the efforts of Unite members in establishing the Polestar Sheffield site as a leading player in the European gravure magazine printing industry for the future."

Robson claimed that it was unusual for companies to commit to deals of this length and added that, in doing so, Polestar had secured the stability of the Sheffield site for staff and customers.