Print buying

Haymarket motoring website moves into print

Haymarket, publisher of PrintWeek, is extending its Piston Heads motoring website into print for the first time after releasing a 2009 annual.

Reader offer company launches first print catalogue for new title

Reader offer specialist Timscris is to launch its first own-brand mail order catalogue for its new LifeStylesatHome title.

Baker Street Tube gets Sherlock Holmes makeover ahead of new film

Warner Bros is promoting the release of a new Sherlock Holmes film with a three-week campaign on the mid-level concourse at Baker Street Tube Station, famous because of its connection to the fictional...

4DM chief warns of DM sector's need to adapt

4DM has warned that the direct mail sector needs to adapt to new technologies now or face becoming obsolete within a decade.

CFH wins Hays contract

Mailing specialist CFH Total Document Management has won a three-year contract worth 12m to install its Corporate Docmail system at recruitment company Hays.

Wyndeham picks up three more Haymarket titles

Wyndeham Group has been awarded the print contracts for an additional three titles by Haymarket Media Group.

Tangent to tailor Toolkit for Dutch Socialist Party campaign

Tangent Direct has been appointed by the Dutch Socialist Party (PvdA) to design a bespoke local marketing tool to manage their campaign ahead of the country's general and local elections in Spring...

Publishing magazine looks to become technology testbed

A magazine launching early next year for publishers is looking for new innovations to trial.

Mystery London freesheet to launch in 2010

Just when it appeared that the London freesheet market was becoming a monopoly, a new publication for the capital is reported to be on the horizon.

BSkyB beefs up Sky magazine

BSkyB is to revamp its Skymag magazine with an increase in frequency and page count, as well as a new name.