Print buying

Infigo seeks public votes to win Branson funding for expansion

Crawley-based web-to-print and cross-media marketing software developer Infigo Software intends to expand in the UK and North America if it wins business funding from Sir Richard Branson.

New finance deal for Polestar

Polestar has refinanced with new credit facilities from Barclays and a £90m senior secured loan from Swedish finance house Proventus Capital Partners.

Paperlinx Austria in administration

The domino effect continues to ripple across Paperlinx’s European businesses – the group’s Austrian operation has now followed the UK and Benelux into administration.

Wyndeham closes Gait in multi-site revamp

Wyndeham Group has closed its Wyndeham Gait factory in Grimsby as part of a wider restructure of its sheetfed and web facilities that will involve significant expansion at one site.

Overmatter: happy birthday, hot stuff

It’s been a while since Overmatter has had a nice print-related cake to write about, so thanks goodness for Systematic Print Management, which has saved us from our slough of sponge-deprived despond.

Tips for a surer footing in the buyer’s balancing act

Buying print is not easy. Even with a working knowledge of the complexities of putting ink on paper, there are always going to be trip wires hidden in the shadows.

Falkland boosts post-press setup

Falkland Press has expanded its post-press facilities with new die-cutting and folding kit.

Premier Paper acquires Paperlinx reels business

Premier Paper is taking on at least 30 former Paperlinx employees after agreeing a deal to acquire its reel paper operations.

Government awards £11.5bn postal goods and services framework

Print businesses including Banner Managed Communication, Capita Business Services and Critiqom (formerly Document Outsourcing) are among 37 suppliers to a mammoth new pan-government postal goods and...

More jobs go at Paperlinx UK

Administrators at Deloitte have laid off a further 70 employees at the stricken Paperlinx UK operations.