
Apogee added to XMPie tools

Agfa has signed a deal to integrate Apogee into XMPie's direct marketing workflow tools.

GMG enables integration between Switch and its own colour software

GMG has launched FlowConnect, a software tool that integrates its colour management software with Enfocus' Switch workflow automation technology.

Mastercolour chooses Agfa processless plates

Mastercolour has cut costs and improved its environmental position by switching to low-chemistry plates.

HighWater Designs restructures

HighWater Designs has restructured its sales and service organisation for a range of HighWater and Cron CTP systems and workflows.

GMG's ColorProof compatability increased

GMG has updated its ColorProof package to add support for the latest printers and operating systems.

Screen platesetter aids DS Repro's move to B2

DS Repro, which trades as The Print Centre, has bought a new Screen PlateRite 2055vi platesetter and switched to Fuji's Brillia HD Pro-V low-chemistry plate.

Wyndeham updates Emagine online system

Wyndeham Pre-Press has launched the latest version of its Emagine online production system at this week's Publishing Expo tradeshow in London.

Mellow Colour PrintSpec

Lee Harman, director at LNS Print, has had his eyes opened to the true potential of this colour-matching software

ECRM adds automation features to WorkMates software

Pre-press manufacturer and software developer ECRM has launched the next version of its entry-level workflow, WorkMates 4.0.

Agfa Acento CTP

In 2004, Agfa broke into the B2 thermal market at Drupa, launching the Acento, a platesetter incorporating features that made it ideal for smaller and mid-sized companies.