
Hearst-Rodale to launch Women's Health magazine

Publisher Hearst-Rodale is to launch <i>Women's Health</i> magazine in February with an initial print run of 200,000.

Borton promoted to head of sales at BGP

BGP sales director Ross Borton has been promoted to head of sales to allow group sales director Steve Palmer to focus on Stones the Printers, of which he is also managing director.

Pindar confirms offers made for business

Pindar chairman Andrew Pindar confirmed this morning (8 July) that offers were coming in for the business.

Walstead buys St Ives web operations in 20m deal

Wyndeham owner Walstead Investments is buying St Ives' web division - catapulting the group into a market-leading position in UK web offset.

Buyers' Guide: Gloss art papers

It may not be the trendiest stock, but when it comes to producing high-end magazines, you can't beat a bit of gloss, writes <i>Noli Dinkovski</i>

Me & My... KBA Rapida 106-10

Darren Crane, production manager at Cambrian Printers, briefs <i>Jon Severs</i> on why he is so pleased with this QualiTronic Professional-equipped press

Profile: Magazine printer aims to ride wave of evolution with massive kit investment

Buoyant Buxton Press set to embark on 11m spend to install a raft of new presses before 2018, says <i>Simon Nias</i>

Buxton unveils details of 11m upgrade plan

Buxton Press is set to spend 11m on an extensive presshall upgrade that will include six new long perfectors with reel sheeters and associated bindery equipment.

Price should not be your only criterion

Jo Francis tracks down solutions to your technical troubles