Renz ABL 500

Jon Luke, managing director of Apple Binding, has broadened the firm's services and added clients with this wire-o binder, says Philip Chadwick

Describe your business
We are a trade finisher specialising in wire-o binding. We do all the bits and pieces the commercial printers can’t do
in-house and much of our work is generally in small to medium-sized volumes.

What does the machine do?
It wire-o-binds products, including books and calendars. We’ve found that it’s good for volumes of more than 5,000.

Why did you choose this particular machine?
It’s mainly because we have had a long working relationship with Renz. We have been buying raw materials from them for several years – their wire is the best in the market and is the most reliable. The machine also has the capability to run a wide range of jobs. For example, 2:1 wire sizes and A3 landscape calendars, over and above the competition.

Did you look at any other similar machines?
Yes, the Rilecart PB735.

Why did you make the purchase?
We bought the ABL 500 to replace a worn out machine and also to allow us to compete in a wider market, where turnaround times and price are even more important.

What features do you particularly like?
We were impressed with the speed of the ABL 500. We can bind between 1,500 and 2,100 copies per hour.

Is there anything that you dislike?
Clamping the books is the only problem. It can be difficult to get the punched holes in the right place. It isn’t a major pain, but it does restrict the jobs you can produce.

Is there anything that you wish it had that it doesn’t?
What is needed is a binding mechanism that does not involve clamping the books.

How fast is it?
It can run at 1,500 to 2,100 per hour depending on the job.

How reliable is it?
After a few teething problems, which Renz were quick to sort out, it has been very reliable.

What’s the quality like?
Its quality is top class.

How easy is it to use?
There was a bit of a steep learning curve at first, but once the operators knew which jobs ran well, it was easy to operate.

How much time or money has it saved?
This area is difficult to quantify, but we can run an extra 5,000 copies a day with two less operators. But the cost of the machine will take a long time to pay for itself in full.

Has it won you any new work?
It has. We have taken on bigger jobs, some in excess of 120,000 copies. It’s been a mix of new customers and existing customers who want us to do a wider array of work.

Would you say that it offers value for money?
It does, thanks to its speed.

Were there any difficulties experienced during the installation or after?
Because it was built in Germany, some of the instructions on the control panel were in German. But the UK engineers were able to sort this out and it was not that big a problem.

What about the pre- and after-sale service?
Renz could not be better or more attentive. They have an amazingly rapid response and if there are any issues, someone is down here in a day or two.

Who do you think the machine is right for?
It’s good for any job with a run length of 5,000-150,000.

Under what circumstances would you buy another?
We would buy another if there was an increase in our workload. But that won’t happen for a while as, like everyone else in the industry, we have been experiencing a downturn.

Supplier’s response    
Dermot Callaghan, sales manager for bindery products at Renz, says: The machine is aimed at the very high end of the market. It’s ideal for calendar and book work. The machine is user-friendly and incorporates touchscreen technology. The speed of the machine very much depends on the product you are handling. There are several units that can be retro-fitted, such as punching and stacking. The complete line can cost up to £190,000.
from £85,000
Renz (UK) 01707 282 741