Bobst FoilMaster 104

Luke Hastings, managing director at Reflections, was impressed by this foiling machine's ability to maintain high quality even at very high speeds, says Philip Chadwick

What is it?
The Bobst FoilMaster is a foiling and embossing machine with a capacity for sheet sizes of up to B1 and the ability to foil at speeds of up to 7,500 sheets per hour (sph).

Why did your business make this investment?

Our aim with this machine was to attract a new type of client in addition to the magazine work that we were already producing. The machine is suited to long-run, high-quality work, so we were particularly keen to open doors in the pharmaceutical and cosmetics markets.

Why did you choose this particular machine?
We purchased the machine to support an existing B1 foiler that we already had. We were gaining regular business from the magazine market and needed a second unit to support the contracts that we were winning

Did you look at any other machines?
We did look at other possible solutions, but Bobst is the most prestigious name in finishing.

What do you particularly like about the FoilMaster?
It has made processing lightweight paper stocks and difficult substrates incredibly easy and has, therefore, opened the door to new opportunities.
Anything you dislike?

Nothing that springs to mind. As people often say in answer to this question, it does exactly what it says on the tin!

Is there anything that you wish it had that it currently doesn't have?
A bailing system for the finished foil would have been very useful. We are talking with Bobst about adding that now.

How fast is it?
We never thought it would really do 7,000sph on a regular basis. With the temperature issue involved with foil blocking, we found it hard to imagine that it would ever get past about 4,000sph in a real production environment, but it does and we regularly have it running at 7,000sph plus.

What about reliability?
Now we have the machine settled, it is very reliable.

What's the quality like?
The quality of work produced is fantastic and the quality remains high even if you crank the speed right up.

How easy is it to use?
The control panel is slick and very helpful to the operator, which makes the machine straightforward to operate for somebody that knows what they are doing.

Would you say that it has saved you any time or money?
The on-board computer system and the overall design of the machine ensures a fast and efficient set-up, so that can be a significant time saver, though it is difficult to actually put into financial terms.

Has it helped to win you any new work?
Yes, but again it's difficult to say in monetary terms how much of an impact it has had.

Do you think that the machine offers value for money?
You can buy cheaper foil blocking machines, but overall you get what you pay for with Bobst.

How did the installation go?
There were some modifications that needed to be done. However, Bobst did the necessary changes and everything has been just fine since then.

What's the service been like?

One of our reasons for going with Bobst was the excellent after-sales service that they provide.

Who would you recommend the machine to?
Finishing specialists producing foiling and embossing work.

Would you buy another?
Yes, if we win a significant amount of new business.

User’s verdict    
Speed 5/5
Quality 5/5
Reliability 5/5
Value for money 4/5

Supplier’s response     
Stuart Taylor, product manager for Bobst hot foil stamping equipment, says: Luke is spot on about how well the FoilMaster handles lightweight papers and difficult substrates. It’s something that our R&D engineers have put a lot of time and effort into and it contributes to the excellent overall accuracy of the machine. It’s fair to say that he’s not alone in being sceptical about the production speeds we quote for our machines, as they can sound a bit fantastic. But he’s also not alone in discovering that the speeds we quote really can be achieved, and achieved quite easily.
Price On application
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