Aspect Press and Vizability become first UK Mercury laminator customers

Laminator manufacturer Foliant has made its first UK sales of the Mercury 530 SF and 400 SF.

Foliant's UK distributor, Intelligent Finishing Systems (IFS), installed the B2 Foliant Mercury 530 SF with a double-sided module at Greenwich-based printer Aspect Press at the end of September.

Aspect Press first moved into lamination with a Foliant Taurus 530 SF single-sided machine at the turn of 2012 and has since produced 935,000 laminated sheets. The huge volume of work has prompted the company to upgrade to the Mercury double-sided laminator.

Aspect Press Rob Easton said: "We farmed auxiliary work out but have slowly but surely brought it in-house. Lamination has really taken off since then."

He said that he saw the benefits in being able to produce work to their own deadlines rather than to the lead times set by external suppliers by bringing in a laminator and the double-sided Mercury machine helped to reduce jobs times even further.

But being the first UK customer of a new machine hasn't come without concerns. "It is exciting but there are always nerves," said Easton. "But we trust IFS and they are not a million miles away from us if we need them."

Easton said that the support and service Aspect Press had received from IFS from their investments in a Horizon Stitchliner 5500 and Horizon AFC566FG combination folder had sealed the deal.

The first to take on Foliant’s Mercury 400 SF thermal laminator, which is being shown for the first time in the UK at Print Efficiently, is Fulham-based company Vizability.

Vizability managing director Tahir Chowdry originally owned a Prontaprint franchise, but started his own business last year.

The B3+ Mercury 400 SF has replaced Vizability’s Komfi Aspira laminator as it offers more automation and has an integrated Heidelberg automatic feeder.

Chowdry said: "When we laminated any reasonable-sized job, we had to have an operator standing there feeding the sheets for up to an hour and a half.

"With the 400 SF, we press a few buttons and it laminates and my operator can get on with something else.

He added that one of his finishing operators worked 52 hours overtime in September and believes the automated laminator would ease that.

"My two finishers have been consistently doing over 30 hours overtime a month over the past nine months. If you multiply that by £20 an hour for example, that adds up a £600 cost each month.

"We are doing more and more lamination so it makes sense to invest in equipment rather than invest in an extra half a body per day."

Vizability brought in a Xerox 800 and Uchida Aerocut at the end of September with the Mercury laminator as part of an investment worth around £200,000.

IFS is showing the full Mercury laminating family at its Perivale open house event Print Efficiently, which comprises the 400 SF, 530 SF and 760 SF B1 machines.

IFS laminating product specialist Lee Fowler said: "The machines have a compact footprint so if anyone is tight on space, these are ideal.

"Each machine can be upgraded: you can have a double-sided module, integrated stacker or embossing unit retrofitted to the machines. They give customers options and allow them to be flexible."