1. What do you believe will be greatest opportunities for printers to grow their businesses in 2008?
Single copies of anything; the inexorable drive of "value in" by digital printers will continue.
2. What will be the greatest threat to your sector for 2008?
We are with our FreePrintManagement.com! Print management for free by a print manager... the revolution has begun.
3. How can the industry raise its profile next year?
By showing clients that through print, they can have a one-to-one relationship with their clients, when most other media are fragmenting.
4. What do you believe is the most under-recognised aspect in printing that is likely to become more important in 2008?
The experience that is heading out of the industry and retiring – there are few taking their place and none with the passion!
5. What print sectors do you believe will experience the greatest innovation next year?
Magazine printers with the "free mag" sector kicking in plus new distribution challenges and packaging with the eco-warriors (rightly) demanding more effectiveness.
6. What should the print industry do when it gets back to work after the holidays?
Invest in our future by training the you and me of tomorrow in the industry, rather than sitting back and bemoaning the youth of today's lack of skills.
7. If the government stepped in and did one thing to help the industry, what would you hope that would be?
It's not for the government to step in and do anything. Print is a free market business that doesn't need intervention.
8. What will you do differently in 2008?
Conserve cash – the credit crunch hasn't yet hit and it will in Q2 with full venom. Watch out!
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