Vincent quits Xerox for new role at Antony Rowe

Peter Vincent, the head of graphic arts marketing for Xerox UK and its Ipex project manager, is leaving the company next month

Peter Vincent, the head of graphic arts marketing for Xerox UK and its Ipex project manager, is leaving the company next month.

He is moving to book printer Antony Rowe, where he will become director designate, reporting to chief executive Ralph Bell.

Vincent described his new role as providing support and direction developing the group.

"Obviously there will be a digital bias," he said. "I will be overseeing the book-on-demand project with Gardners and new areas including one-to-one, e-commerce and data and file management for publishers."

Vincent admitted the timing of the move was unfortunate and that he would have preferred to have moved after Ipex, but said: "Opportunities like this dont happen when you ask them to. Ralph wouldnt have waited until the spring."

Vincents graphic arts marketing role has been handed over to Stephanie Weller. As yet no one has been appointed to take on the role of Ipex project manager, although this was already being jointly handled with Kelly Cotter from Xerox in America.

Vincents departure is the latest from the UK graphic arts division. Last month director and general manager UK graphic arts sector Alistair Summers left the firm (PrintWeek, 14 September).

Story by Barney Cox