"Vertis is a fantastic company for us to get in bed with, they're a leading light in variable data," said NexPress UK regional business manager Mark Clark.
The basic four-colour press was installed last week, the optional fifth unit, which can be used for coating, sealing or a special colour, will be added within a month.
"The NexPress five-colour is the first machine that will deliver the quality that we think the clients and direct marketers are going to accept," said Vertis Croydon managing director Linda Scott.
"The nice thing for us is that the customer's customer really chose the product," added Clark.
Vertis isn't planning on getting too involved in short-run digital work, instead its investment was aimed primarily at data driven work. "Clients are looking for more targeted data, the cells are becoming smaller and the cost effectiveness of digital is improving," said Scott.
The 350,000 spend marks a continued investment programme at Croydon, following the purchase of two 2500 Kern enclosers earlier this year.
The first two five-colour Nexpress 2100s were installed in July at Sidcup-based Lloyd James and Em En Ess in Hackney (PrintWeek, 15 July).
Story by Darryl Danielli